The biennial Finnish maritime history conference – Maritime History Days – shows our joint strength. The event has been held in coastal towns from Pietarsaari to Kotka from 2001 onwards. The conference is organized by the Finnish Association for Maritime History and the Finnish Association for Maritime Archeology together with local and regional associations and cultural heritage organisations. The twelfth biennial Maritime History Days was held in Jyväskylä in March 2024. The program showcases research from home and abroad, bringing together researchers, professionals, practicioners, and enthusiasts. The conference also acts as a conduit for developing articles for the Nautica Fennica yearbook.
Esitelmäkutsu ensi vuonna järjestettäville Merihistorian päiville on nyt julkaistu. Tapahtuman teema on Vuorovaikutuksia.
Suomi saarena – Finland som en ö – Finland as an island
Kotka 24-26.3.2017
Työ merellä - Arbete till sjöss - Work at Sea
Pietarsaari - Jakobstad 20.-22.3.2015
Pinnalla ja pohjassa – Laiva kulttuuriperintönä
On the Surface and in the Depths – Ships as Cultural Heritage
Helsinki 15.-17.3.2013
Toisen maailmansodan jälkeiset merenkulun vallankumoukset -
Shipping Revolutions after the Second World War
Uusikaupunki 17.–20.3.2011
Merihistorian rajapintoja: kulttuuriperintö ja merellinen ympäristö
Kotka 27.-29.3.2009